Investigate Crypto
Law Enforcement

Easiest way to investigate crypto crime
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Easy to use
for all Law Enforcement agencies Try now risk free...


Easily investigate the flow of funds and address relationships.

  • +300M crypto addresses tagged
  • Privately label crypto addresses and collaborate with your team
  • Filter by token and filter by time features
  • Privacy and collaboration features available

Check out the Investigation Tool here.


Monitor all transactions going through your crypto addresses to mitigate the risk of Money Laundering and Fraud

  • Risk engine is powered by +200M addresses labeled
  • Track real-time crypto transactions
  • Set alerts for high-risk transactions
  • Customize risk scores

Check out the Monitoring Tool here.

Law Enforcement Network

Share and view labels and reports from other law enforcement agencies.

Sharing is optional, your consent is required before your data is shared with others.

From Our Users

"Breadcrumb's user-friendly interface and automated reporting features have simplified our compliance process and saved us countless hours of manual work.  

The training course gave our compliance team the confidence to quickly identify illicit activity on chain.

Breadcrumbs Compliance has given us a competitive advantage in being able to keep ahead of regulations and has exceeded our expectations in every way."

- Joseph Iuso
Cheif AML Officer,

Investigations & Special Services

As digital assets continue to reshape the financial landscape, so too do the challenges of fraud, money laundering, and cybercrime.

Our specialized services are designed to help clients navigate this dynamic environment, ensuring security, compliance, and peace of mind.

  • Crypto Forensics: Our team of experts are well-versed in advanced tools and techniques to trace digital currency flows, uncover fraudulent activities, and identify illicit actors.

  • Crypto Investigations: We conduct thorough financial investigations to uncover hidden assets, track illegal funds, and support legal proceedings.

  • Dark Web Intelligence: Our network of dark web intelligence specialists provides insights into cybercriminal activities, marketplaces, and threats, allowing you be on top of potential risks.

Let’s work together!

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